Exploring the U.S. by camper van

What we’re up to

We travel in our camper van, but we don’t live in it. We love being outdoors, but we’re not extreme adventurers. We just happen to think nature and road trips are super cool.

We want to take our camper van (and fur kids) to all 48 connected states. All while enjoying a great hike, brewery or paddle along the way.

How it started

After 16 years on the West Coast, in SoCal and the PNW, we decided to get back to our roots: the Midwest. We had three dogs and a cat at the time, and we wondered how we’d get all six of us there.

Then it hit us: a camper van. Our inaugural voyage in 2021 was from Seattle to the Saint Louis area, where we now reside.

Where we’ve been

24 states and counting: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

  • Two people outside at a vineyard.

    The humans

    J-Wo, keeps it under the speed limit
    , stocks snacks, blogs

  • A camper van with paddle boards, dogs and firewood in the foreground.

    The van

    Camper Van Beethoven, 2021 Thor Sequence 20A with pop-top

  • A white terrier and a brindle terrier sitting outside in the sun.

    The terriers

    Bonnie, Chief Napping Officer
    Clyde, Master of Chaos

  • A black cat with bright yellow eyes.

    The feline

    Kizu, Baroness of Biting and Scratching

You can help keep us moving (please and thanks)

Buy us a gallon or tank of gas

Contribute gas money

We believe

In the power of love, art, science, choice and equality. In the magic of drag queens and fresh air.

Be who you are, so long as you’re not hurting anyone else. Now that’s super cool.